Merilampi has officially been granted ISO 27001 information security certification. ISO 27001 is the leading international standard for information security that requires a certified company to adhere to strict data security requirements.
The certification demonstrates our commitment to the best practices in information security. In the auditing process KPMG verified that all of our information security processes and policies meet or exceed the requirements of the standard.
As a law firm we exist for our clients and need to process confidential information essential for our clients. We take our responsibility for processing the confidential information very seriously. The ISO 27001 certification is a verifiable proof of our commitment to exceed the expectation on information security of our clients."
"It's extremely important to us that our clients trust our legal expertise as well as the information security of their information we process. Obtaining the certificate is a significant milestone in the on-going process to exceed the evolving data security requirements and best market practices. I would like to thank our entire personnel for their dedication to this important matter. With the certification, we've positioned ourselves as frontrunners in our field, as very few law firms in Finland have achieved this certification."
"We've invested significant resources in the development of our IT systems and information security management system. One of the focus areas has been and is the training of our staff and increasing their information security awareness. Achieving this certification is an important acknowledgment of our efforts. As part of the certification, we are committed to continuously improve our systems and processes to match the increasing standards of information security."
Read more about ISO27001 -standard: https://www.iso.org/standard/27001
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