Sakari Aalto appointed as Partner and Head of Technology at Merilampi

Sakari Aalto appointed as Partner and Head of Technology at Merilampi


Sakari Aalto has been appointed as Partner at Merilampi as of 1 February 2018. He will also assume responsibility for heading the firm’s Technology team.

LL.Lic. Sakari Aalto has broad experience in working with legal issues related to data protection and technology. Aalto has worked as an advocate and in-house counsel for 25 years, and he returned to Merilampi and advocacy in August 2016. Before that he worked as the head of licensing and legal at a Finnish technology company.

There is a demand for technology and data protection services. I am very motivated to further develop our services so that we can meet our clients’ needs even better. GDPR, for example, means new kinds of requirements for our client companies, and through my new role I have a chance to develop our practice group so that we can serve our clients in the best way possible”, says Aalto.

Promoting Sakari as partner signals the importance of technology practice to our firm. Sakari is a renowned and recognised expert especially in the IT sector, and he has an extensive contact network both in Finland and abroad. GDPR, AI and digitalisation are examples of topical issues, both for us and our clients, in which Sakari’s experience and vision are greatly valued”, comments Merilampi’s Managing Partner Jussi Ikonen.

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