Merilampi Case

Merilampi Case
Business law is complicated, and problem-solving requires creativity and cooperation with the client. A lawyer needs to understand the client’s business and objectives related to it along with applicable jurisprudence. In this competition, the participants will face a legal challenge from a fictional client, which will alter and become more complicated during the journey – as it so often happens in real life.
The participating pairs will have to show creativity and acumen along with the ability to present the legal solution they have formulated to the client’s representatives. The jury of the competition includes representatives of Merilampi and prominent members of Finnish business life.

How the competition proceeds?
The competition starts with writing an application initiating proceeding. Couples who have returned it are given feedback and informed on how to write application initiating proceedings and replies.
After this, the competition continues by writing the replies In the next step, a seminar will be held on the work of a dispute resolution lawyer and oral argumentation. In the semi-finals and finals held at Merilampi's office, the couples get to argue orally and the winning pair is decided.
The winning couple of the competition will receive a total prize of 3,000 euros. The Merilampi Case competition has been organized since 2015.
Merilampi Case
Find further information on Merilampi Case competitions.
Task assignment
Take a look at the Merilampi Case 2023-2024 assignment (in Finnish):
Kirje Designatex Ab:n asiamiehille
Liite 1 - Osakassopimus 20.7.2021
Liite 2 - Johtajasopimus 21.7.2021
Liite 3 - Sähköpostikirjeenvaihtoa 5.4.2021
Liite 4 - Sähköpostikirjeenvaihtoa 15.7.-18.7.2021
Liite 5 - Pöytäkirja NINE DASH INNOVATIONS OYn hallituksen kokouksesta 2.2023
The registration period ended 14 November, 2023
Return of the statement of claim 30 November, 2023
Teams seminar: Writing pleadings and responses December 18, 2023
Return of the answer no later than 31 January, 2024
Teams seminar: Dispute resolution lawyer's work and oral argumentation 22 February, 2024
Semi-final, final and celebration 5 April, 2024
Task assignment
Take a look at the Merilampi Case 2021-2022 assignment (in Finnish):
Arvostuslaskelma 01.07.2021.
Efectico Oy:n osakasluettelo 12.10.2021.
Efectico Oy:n yhtiöjärjestys 01.05.2018.
Efectico Oy:n yhtiökokouskutsu 01.10.2021.
Merilampi Case 2021-2022 kirje Oy Inter-Strat Abn asiamiehille.
Sähköpostikirjeenvaihtoa 04.10.-08.10.2021.
The registration period ended on 14 November, 2021
Return of the statement of claim no later than 28 November, 2021
Teams seminar: Writing pleadings and responses December 16, 2021
Return of the answer no later than 31 January, 2022
Teams seminar: Dispute resolution lawyer's work and oral argumentation 15 February, 2022
Semi-final, final and celebration on 18 March, 2022
Competition jury
Tiina Järvinen, Specialist Counsel, Merilampi
Hermanni Nevanperä, Associate, Merilampi
Sampsa Seppälä, Associate, Merilampi
Teemu Taxell, Partner, Merilampi
Henri Hätönen, Senior Legal Counsel, Outokumpu
Leena Kujansuu-Tikkanen, Head of Legal, Hitachi Energy
Eija Theis, Corporate Counsel, Head of Legal, Sweco Finland
Jussi Ikonen, Partner, Chairman of the Board, Merilampi
Task assignment
Take a look at Merilampi Case 2019-2020 preliminary assignment (in Finnish).
Registration ended on October 7, 2019
Deadline for preliminary assignment on October 21, 2019
First oral competition on November 29, 2019
Second oral competition on February 7, 2020
Final and celebration on March 6, 2020
Competition jury
Preliminary qualification and competitions:
Heidi Hiltunen, Partner, Merilampi
Hermanni Nevanperä, Associate, Merilampi
Sampsa Seppälä, Associate, Merilampi
Veli Siitonen, Specialist Counsel, Merilampi
Teemu Taxell, Partner, Merilampi
Klaus Korhonen, HR and Legal Director, Suominen
Kirsi Palviainen, Legal Director, Skanska
Anne Vainio, Head of Legal, Elisa
Jussi Ikonen, Partner, Chairman of the Board, Merilampi
Olavi Rytkönen and Riku Siivonen
Niilo Salminen and Onni Koivu
Niilo Salminen and Onni Koivu
The registration period ended on September 30, 2018
Return of the preliminary assignment no later than 28 October, 2018
First oral competition on Novermber 30, 2018
Second oral competition on February 8, 2019
Finale and celebration on March 8, 2019
Competition jury
Preliminary qualification and competitions:
Heidi Hiltunen, partner, Merilampi
Tiina Järvinen, Specialist Counsel, Merilampi
Mikko Laitinen, Specialist Counsel, Merilampi
Sampsa Seppälä, Associate, Merilampi
Teemu Taxell, Partner, Merilampi
Sara Walden, Specialist Counsel, Merilampi
Tomi Haapman, Senior Legal Counsel, Nordea
Mikko Laaksonen, General Counsel, Teboil
Marika Väkiparta, Director, Legal and Compliance, Kalmar
Jussi Ikonen, Managing Partner, Merilampi
Tiina Korkeela ja Airi Liimatta
Lauri Heiskanen ja Petro Koskipalo
Lauri Heiskanen ja Petro Koskipalo
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