Oral Hammaslääkärit Plc

We advised Oral Hammaslääkärit Plc in the public tender offer made by Renideo Holding Oy

Transactions and Finance
We advised Oral Hammaslääkärit Plc in the public tender offer made by Renideo Holding Oy

Merilampi advised Oral and its board of directors in the voluntary public tender offer made by Renideo Holding Oy regarding all of the outstanding shares in Oral Hammaslääkärit Plc. The offeror is a company wholly owned by Renideo Group Oy, a company controlled by funds managed by CapMan Plc.

Oral Hammaslääkärit Plc is the most renowned provider of dental care services in Finland, and it employs over 800 dental care professionals. Oral has 30 dental clinics all across Finland, and it also maintains its own dental laboratory. The company's net sales for 2013 amounted to EUR 59.7 million.

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