Corporate Advisory and General Meetings​

Corporate Advisory and General Meetings​

Merilampi is one of the best-known Finnish law offices specialised in corporate advisory. We are known for our extensive experience in the corporate law sector and capital markets advisory and our thorough expertise in the life cycles of companies.


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Our specialists manage all corporate advisory matters competently and efficiently. For example, we have represented our clients in the-most-complex cross-border mergers in Europe. Our top priority is always supporting the client’s business in the best way possible.

Our expertise is based on regular practical experience in the corporate advisory of large companies and from our specialists serving as chairmen in the general meetings of listed companies. We were closely involved in preparing and developing the new Corporate Governance code for Finnish listed companies. Our lawyers were also extensively involved in preparing the Finnish Companies Act, which regulates limited liability companies.


  • Corporate Governance
  • Company law advice and legal opinions
  • Disclosure obligations and market communications (incl. flagging notifications)
  • Providing advice and training on insider issues
  • Advice on applicable Stock Exchange rules and regulations
  • Preparing and chairing Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings (especially listed companies)
  • Corporate restructurings, mergers and demergers (including cross-border arrangements)
  • Code of Conduct, Compliance Policies and Working Orders
  • Share issues (Private Placements, IPOs), bond issues, and their listings, and other capital arrangements (e.g. public mergers and demergers)
  • Share based incentive schemes
  • Board and corporate liability issues
  • Public takeovers


Merilammen juuret ovat yhtiöoikeudessa, joten meillä on hyvin kokonaisvaltainen näkemys liikejuridiikkaan, yritysten liiketoimintaan ja laajemminkin liike-elämään.
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