
Erkko Ruohoniemen erikoisalana ovat kilpailuoikeudelliset asiat, kuten yrityskauppailmoitusten hoitaminen Suomen ja EU:n kilpailuviranomaisille sekä määräävän markkina-aseman väärinkäyttöä ja kartelleja koskevat tapaukset.

Erkolla on yli 25 vuoden kokemus julkisten hankintojen lainsäädännön soveltamisesta. Hän avustaa sekä hankintayksiköitä että tarjoajia eri alojen hankintoihin liittyvissä erityiskysymyksissä ja on hoitanut menestyksekkäästi yli 200 hankintavalitusasiaa markkinaoikeudessa tai KHO:ssa. Erkko on julkaissut suositun ”Julkiset hankinnat” -kirjan yhdessä muiden kirjoittajien kanssa. Erkolla on myös laaja kokemus tele- ja energiaregulaatioon liittyvistä asioista sekä mainonta- ja markkinointioikeudellisista kysymyksistä.

  • Asianajotoimisto Merilampi Oy, Partner 2008 –, Senior Associate 2006 – 2007, Associate 2004 – 2006
  • Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriö, hallitussihteeri 1996 – 2003
  • Asianajaja, 2006
  • Oikeustieteen kandidaatti, Turun yliopisto, 1996
  • Suomi
  • Ruotsi
  • Englanti
  • Suomen Asianajajat
  • International Bar Association (IBA)
  • Julkisten hankintojen yhdistys ry
  • Legal 500 EMEA, EU and Competition (2024), Erkko Ruohoniemi Leading Individual. “Merilampi Attorneys, namely Erkko Ruohoniemi and his team, has a very strong understanding on the quite complex operational environment of the Finnish distribution system operators and the regulatory model set by the National Regulatory Authority.”  “Service attitude is great. Seeing the big picture is a strength they have.” “All the team members in the EU and competition practice are very service minded, persistent and definitely very professional. The team works seamlessly together, and the responsible partner is always on top of the things. One of the biggest strengths of the team is the fast response times and ability to take control of things quickly.”  
  • Chambers Europe, Competition/European Law (2024): Erkko Ruohoniemi recommended. "Erkko Ruohoniemi is very good. He has a very practical attitude.”
  • Legal 500 EMEA, EU and Competition (2023): Erkko Ruohoniemi leading individual.
  • Chambers Europe, Competition/European Law (2023): Erkko Ruohoniemi recommended. "If I present a complex case, he points out clear questions and provides pragmatic answers."
  • Who’s Who Legal, Global Guide, Government Contracts (2022): Erkko Ruohoniemi recommended.
  • Chambers Europe, Competition/European Law (2022): "Erkko Ruohoniemi is best known for his handling of public procurement matters, acting on both advisory mandates and contentious proceedings. Clients praise his "quick and sophisticated legal advice.'"
  • Legal 500 EMEA, EU and Competition (2021): Erkko Ruohoniemi leading individual.
  • Chambers Europe, Competition/European Law (2021): "Erkko Ruohoniemi is best known for his handling of contentious procurement matters on behalf of private or state-owned companies. He also assists with appeals against decisions made by the FCCA or the Finnish telecoms regulator."
  • Legal 500 EMEA, EU and Competition (2020): Erkko Ruohoniemi leading individual. Merilampi ranked in Tier 2. "Erkko Ruohoniemi is one of the best public procurement lawyers in Finland."
  • Chambers Europe, Competition/European Law (2020): "Erkko Ruohoniemi regularly advises on public procurement and competition law issues including merger control. He represents clients in court cases relating to cartels and public procurement appeal procedures."
  • Who’s Who Legal, Global Guide, Government Contracts (2020): Erkko Ruohoniemi recommended. Erkko Ruohoniemi is considered "a must-have procurement lawyer on the list" and "a highly skilled practitioner in the field of public contracts".
  • Global Competition Review’s GCR 100 (2020): Merilampi ranked as Highly Recommended.

Eskola, S., Kiviniemi, E., Krakau, T., & Ruohoniemi, E. (2017b). Julkiset hankinnat.


"Erkko Ruohoniemi is very good. He has a very practical attitude.”

Competition and European Law Client
Chambers Europe (2024)

"If I present a complex case, he points out clear questions and provides pragmatic answers."

Competition and European Law Client
Chambers Europe (2023)

"Erkko Ruohoniemi is considered 'a must-have procurement lawyer on the list' and 'a highly skilled practitioner in the field of public contracts.'"

Who’s Who Legal – Government Contracts Global Guide (2020)

"Erkko Ruohoniemi is one of the best public procurement lawyers in Finland."

EU and Competition Client
Legal 500 EMEA (2020)

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